Is swelling, soreness, bruising, or fibrosis-scarring due to a plastic surgery procedure, cancer treatment, lymphedema, fibromyalgia, or arthritis slowing your healing process?
Licensed and Certified Provider! Specializing in ...
Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) - CMLDT
Advanced MLD - Management of Post Plastic Surgery Procedures
Myofascial and Scar Tissue Release
Set appointment with FREE phone consultation 919.228.9559 (Phone calls only; no text or social media messaging)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatments are NOT painful, but gentle, soothing, and help optimize aesthetic results.
Drug-free | Non-invasive | Manual therapy | Therapeutic
Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) - MLD, commonly known as Lymphatic Drainage or Lymphatic Massage (not classified as massage therapy), is a gentle manual therapy recommended by medical doctors to speed up recovery and improve results by reducing post-surgical swelling, fibrosis (thickening or scar tissue formation and hard lumps) and consequently improve skin texture and tone, and decrease pain. MLD is the main component of Complete Decongestive Therapy - CDT
Call today 919.228.9559 to set your appointment
While some swelling after surgery is natural and a fundamental part of the inflammatory healing journey, an abnormal amount or an extended period of swelling can be concerning, uncomfortable with increased soreness, risk of infection, and take longer to heal.
Swelling, Soreness, Lumps, Bumps, and Bruises are all normal but can be painful and distressing after plastic surgery!
We specialize in reducing swelling, breaking down the fibrous tissues, and improving circulation in the affected area