Wake Medical Massage, LLC
Pain, Swelling & Stress Management | Myofascial Release | Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)​ | Trigger Point | CranioSacral Therapy

Are there any medical conditions that would make massage, bodywork,  Manual Lymph Drainage - MLD, or CranioSacral Therapy inadvisable?

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  • Please read this page in its entirety before receiving our services.
  • We must ask general health questions during your FREE no-obligation phone consultation AND at each visit before receiving manual therapy.
  • You must inform the therapist of any health problems or medications you are taking.
  • If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for MLD, massage, or bodywork before any session (If you have any doubts) Read more below.
  • Allergies and type of reaction (medication, foods, etc.)
  • We may require a written referral from your doctor.
  • If this is a life-threatening condition, call 911

There are medical reasons why Massage Therapy, Manual Lymph Drainage, and CranioSacral therapies are not performed. This includes any condition that would have fluid move back to your heart and kidneys.
Please be aware of the following contraindications before you sign the client consent form and receive MLD, Massage, or Bodywork Therapy

• Pain that is a local, sharp, dull, achy, deep, and or surface (Not in that area)

• Inflammation (Not in that area)

• Lumps and Tissue changes (Not in that area)

• Rashes and changes in the skin (Not in that area)

• Severe Edema

• Severe Infection

• Cancer

• Changes in habits such as appetite elimination or sleep

• Bleeding and bruising

• Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

• Temperature of the skin either hot or cold (Not in that area)

• Infectious Skin Diseases

• Local or systemic infections

• Cardiac conditions including Cardiac Heart Failure - CHF

• Blood clots - Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

• Varicose Veins (Not in that area)

• Acute stage pneumonia

• Advanced/acute renal - kidney failure

• Advanced respiratory failure

• Diabetes with complications (e.g. Gangrene)

• Eclampsia is toxemia in pregnancy

• Hemophilia

• Hemorrhage

• Liver Failure

• Osteoporosis - When osteoporosis is present, massage therapy should be given only with the advice of a physician.

• Post cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke)

• Post myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack)

• Severe atherosclerosis

• Severe hypertension

• Shock (all types)

• Significant fever (above 101 F. / 38.3 C.)

• Systemic contagious/infectious condition and many more

Absolute Contraindications to Massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Conditions that could cause a life-threatening are acute infectious, fever, serious circulatory problems such as acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT), congenital heart failure, major cardiac problems, hemorrhage, acute enuresis, and malignant ailments, or undiagnosed ‘lumps’. Avoid Massage/MLD.

Fever, acute infection, early onset of inflammatory disease. You need to wait until the acute phase is over and the fever is broken. Avoid Massage/MLD.

Acute inflammation caused by pathogenic germs (bacteria, fungi, viruses). The germs could be spread by manual lymph drainage, resulting in blood poisoning (sepsis). Avoid Massage/MLD

Circulatory system problems, especially thrombosis. If there is any risk of embolism of phlebitis, do not use Massage/MLD and see your physician immediately

Cardiac issues such as heart disease, acute angina pectoris, or coronary thrombosis (heart attack). Massage & MLD treatment increases the fluid load on the heart, and compromised cardiac systems should not be subjected to Massage/MLD.

Active bleeding, internal or external. Avoid Massage/MLD

Active malignant cancers, undiagnosed lumps, or tumors whose origins have not been determined by your physician. Avoid Massage/MLD

High-risk pregnancy or late-term pregnancy with complications. Avoid Massage/MLD

Conditions stated above must not be treated with massage, bodywork, or manual lymph drainage therapy.

Relative contraindications to Massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
This means that caution should be used when procedures are used together. (It is acceptable to do so if the benefits outweigh the risk.). There are several relative contraindications to lymphatic drainage. These include edema and lymphedema, which may either be a good indication for lymphatic drainage or a contraindication, depending on the etiology of the edema or lymphedema.

In cases of hyper- or hypothyroidism, there is also a rare risk of upsetting the blood’s hormone ratio and provoking a hyperthyroid reaction when working over the thyroid gland.

If none of these contraindications are present, lymphatic drainage is a safe and gentle modality appropriate for many indications and is the best option for moving fluid from one body part to another. Call today 919.228.9559

There are several health and lifestyle factors that could make you a less-than-ideal candidate for massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage - MLD therapy including:

Pacemaker wearers

Those with uncontrolled diabetes

Anyone currently undergoing chemotherapy

Patients with severe heart/lung illnesses

Anyone on dialysis

Supplemental Oxygen requirement

Someone on an organ transplant waiting list

Patients taking blood-thinning medication

Patients with kidney or liver disorders

If you match any of these qualities, you should talk with your physician or surgeon prior to scheduling massage or Manual Lymph Drainage therapy to confirm whether you could be a candidate.

CranioSacral Therapy Contraindications

Any time there is a concern/contraindication with intracranial/intraspinal fluid pressure changes. Such as:

Increased intracranial pressure

Acute stroke

Cerebral aneurysm


Herniated medulla oblongata

Recent skull fracture

Cerebrospinal fluid leak

Spina bifida (myelomeningocele)

Arnold Chiari Malformation

Don't forget to read FAQ Page for more information

Call 919.228.9559 for possible same-day or a last-minute opening

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